Monday, December 31, 2012

Greetings 2013

2012 was a great year......

Every step of the way my friends Goodness & Mercy were there for me……

Tonight I celebrate the following….

New families filling the pews of CUPC……

So many in fact that I can’t keep all the names straight…

New friends I never knew I had…..

Resources that had heretofore been untapped because of the familiar……

A brand new grand-boy……

A new son–n-law…….

An empty-nest…..

And  an absolute joy in the memory of my dear little Sweet Annaleigh, who took a walk last April and wound up in Heaven…..

Oh yes….

Much pain…..

More gain……

Old new friends came into our lives…..

A friend called Trust came and stayed…….

And I,  like the man borne of four was also carried by Faith, Hope, Love & Charity…..

4000+ other friends came to share themselves when our Annaleigh passed away……

Then some very special people stepped into our world and were just there……

Their names need not be called for they know who they are…….

Yes, 2012 was a great year…….

Greatness comes packaged in the most unique ways…..

Packages named….

The Wonderful, for He knew we would need wonder in those dark moments….

The Counselor, for He preplanned counsel we would need….

The Mighty God, for He understood we must have a God moment to survive…..

The Everlasting Father, for He knew we needed a lap to crawl up in and just cry….

The Prince of Peace, for stormy, broken hearts always need His peace……

2012 was a great year…..

However the greatest part of the year has been…..

My Tracie, who I held when she wept, and who held my head and hands when it was my turn….

My Tracie who is without doubt a world class model of grace…..

I will long be thankful for the journey of pain and peace and love and trust……

I am oh so thankful for Him…..

He never leaves….

He never forsakes……

He stays close…..

He loves……

Tracie, Trent, Redonia, Calah, Hector, (Annaleigh), Pressley & whatever this next one’s name will be……

God has been good to us……

And for this I rejoice……

I rejoice in Him……

And through it all….

2012 was a great year……

Tonight I sleep cradled in the confidence of One who never fails…..

Greetings 2013……


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