Thursday, June 7, 2012

Salmon Salad Sandwich Saints

Loaves, fishes, sack lunches, miracles, multiplication, fragments & baskets were the order of the day……

Then Jesus moved on to the other side of the lake….

Those who had been fed followed and sought him…..

When they caught up with him they asked why he had changed sides of the lake…..

Jesus looked at them and answered along these lines….

You follow me because I fed you loaves and fishes…..

You like Salmon Salad Sandwiches….

You seek for what gratifies your personal desires….

You do not seek me because of the miraculous….

You do not seek me because of the wonder…..

Too many today are just like this……

Salmon Salad Sandwich Saints…..

As long as the sandwiches are being passed out all is well……

Let the sandwiches dry out and suddenly the thought comes to seek the sandwich provider guy….

But wait…..

Jesus was not interested in providing sandwiches to those who were hungry…..

He was interested in providing wonder to those who sought him….

His miraculous was for those who stayed close to him at the end of the day…..

And too many today…..

Seek Him on a seeder friendly basis….

Some seek Him because they are hungry……

Some seek Him because they are sick……

Other seek Him because of finance, kids, careers and other stuff…..

But to him that seeks Him for Him……

Jesus indicated they sought him for loaves and fishes…..

Salmon Salad Sandwich Saints…..

Jesus indicated they should not go to all that trouble for perishable meat….

Rather seek the non-perishable meat…..

Great music…..

Kids programs…..

Youth programs……

All are perishable……..

But prayer meetings…..

Seeking the face of God…….

Dwelling with Him until the miraculous unfolds……

Facing hell and rejoicing…..

Standing firm when distractions loom……

Ignoring the invites and taunts of those who travel a lesser road…..

Is the non-perishable….

Clean Little Secret….

Had the Salmon Salad Sandwich Saint crowd really been seeking Him for his miraculous….

He would have never gotten out of their sight….

When He moved….

So would they…….
Saint of God…..

Don’t seek the temporary gratification of sandwiches…..

Seek the wonder of His miraculous…..


Twas no Salmon Salad Sandwich Saint that toted one of those baskets of fragments off that day……

When one hangs around long enough for fragments and baskets…..

He discovers the wonder……

He discovers what it is to walk with a basket filled with the miraculous…..

He walks with the miraculous wonder…..

He holds the fragmented supernatural……

I never begrudge the Salmon Salad Sandwich crowd……


I envy those who carry baskets…..

I join myself to the basket toters….

I link myself to the fragment gatherers…..

I am gonna stay close enough to Him that He trusts me with a basket of his miraculous wonder…..

Some follow for Salmon Salad Sandwiches…..

I long for wonder…..

I long for miraculous……

I long for Him…..

Who needs a sandwich…..

When you have Him????


1 comment:

Just a thought said...

My Brother, I long to see Royal Pentecost following free an unhindered.