Sunday, September 6, 2009

Truth Stands Tall

Look around your world and see how truth is doing.....

It seems to me truth always prevails....

Whether it be politics, family, home, career or the church.....

Truth always rises up out of the smoke and ashes of her enemies....

Truth prevails....

While some will manufacture opposition to truth.....

There is no amount of money or energy that can withstand truth when she is wielded by someone who loves her....

In the United Pentecostal Church there is a grass roots gathering of men who are tired of every wind of doctrine.....

They are weary of the spiritual tumbleweeds who go this way and that.....

They weary of the latest religious fads and gimmicks....

And they have taken hold anew on truth and rise up....

So truth prevails...

Truth stands tall.....

Personally I am weary of all the latest gimmickry of relative Pentecostalism...

Give me truth that is timeless and we will build a church....

When today's fads and gimmicks are gathering dust in forgotten store rooms....

Truth will proudly yet humbly stand tall....

And I hope to have my arms wrapped around her.....




Unknown said...

Amen! Great post Pastor... love you!

Mark Pryor said...

Great post, Bro. Smith.