Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Render Unto God

There was always that group that showed up at a Jesus event to distract and discredit....

The day they asked whether they sould pay taxes Jesus shared a most incredible truth....

Whose image is on this coin?

Caesar's of course, was the reply....

Then came the Truth Moment....

Matt 22:21Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.KJV

Jesus pointed out the necesity of rendering to Caesar the things that bore Caesar's image...

And then....

He pointed out to the distractors they should give to God what bore HIS image....

They missed it!!!

But you and I were created in HIS image and likeness....

Therefore we should render to God that which bears HIS image....


We are not our own...

We have been purchased....

Bought with a price.....

God made us in HIS image.....

Therefore it becomes nothing but my reasonable service to present myself a living sacrifice....

I haply....

Render unto God the thing that bears HIS image.....




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