Saturday, November 19, 2011

There Is Life In This Body

Twas the last night of a seven night revival and Paul gave them their money's worth.....

He preached long....

Eutychus, the Window Percher, wearied and nodded and drifted and slept and fell out the window and landed on his head and broke his neck and died....

There are many Eutychus's today....

They sit on the periphery keeping an eye on whats happening in the church and an eye on what is happening outside....

They weary themselves and others with chronic discontent....

They influence others to be double minded as well.....

And as Eutychus falls out the window and crash lands, there are others that are influenced by his attitude....

There are many who can diagnose death in Eutychus and the church he fell out of.....

Surely broken necked Window Perchers represent the whole and core of that church....

However Paul showed us how to handle such....

He simply ran downstairs and let the other Window Perchers know that he was not dead.....

Window Perchers can see and discern broken necks and horrific demise.....

But Paul ignored the Window Perchers and evil reports and simply said....

His life is in his body....

And despite Eutychus' failure, Grace and Life continued in him.....

And Paul went back upstairs and finished preaching....

Paul went right back to what he was doing before the Perching Eutychus fell and broke his neck and before the other Window Perchers looked out the window to hear the message....

Life was in his body.....

And that ain't the only place!!!!

Life was still in the service!!!!

For Paul finished his sermon and then fellowshipped until daylight before running to catch his flight....

Fallen Window Perchers, broken necks, dead bodies and bad reports need be ignored.....

For life continues in the body...

There Is Life In This Body!!!!

There was life in his church....

And there is life in yours.....

Ignore the reports of the Window Perchers and broken neck memos....

Just keep having church......

God will take care of Eutychus.....

God will fix his broken neck....

Maybe he will stop being a Window Percher....

But if not....

God does not change....

And life will forever continue in the body.....

There Is Life In This Church!!!!


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