Monday, January 21, 2008

The Ministry of Loneliness

Ministry by nature is lonely. I have been lonely sitting in a crowd. This musing came some time back when I had walked a particularly lonely path. Blessings

True spiritual greatness comes from aloneness

Jacob was left alone before he struggled with the angel…..

Moses had his desert

Paul was in the desert for 8 years….

Elija was alone, then the wind, earthquake and the still small voice……

God I'm the only one doing right he wailed....

Nope, I have 7000 hidden away

I went through a period of time when I did not hear from one person for over one year

A fellow minister mentioned of God Isolating him and not even his pastor being able to get with him for 1 year…..

There comes a time when the hum of the mundane must be closed out.

The splashing of the shallow must be washed away

We must each manage our alone times….

We must take advantage of them

We must create time alone with him….

For if we don’t….

He will…

And when he does....

Revel in it....


And commune.....

Don't fight it....

Don't become embittered by it...

Surrender to it....

And Him...

For it is the lonely experience that truly makes us great with Him....


Anonymous said...

One of the biggest fears for most people is being alone. People need interaction from others and sometimes use this as a gauge for their self worth. For this is true and I do cherish the time that I spend with loved ones. I often find myself and find my direction in life when I am alone. Alone to dwell on past deceisions and to reflect on the results of those deceisions. Although there are times when one attempts to take the time to reflect on his surroundings, it is viewed by others as (out of the norm). It is often viewed by most that this person must be upset if he chooses to isolate himself. People must realize as mentioned in the bible that many great men found strength when confronted by isolation. This allows one to draw closer to his Lord as to travel down the right path and to lead those who he is responsible for.

Pastor R Kent Smith said...

Thanks Bro Nunez for stopping by...