Thursday, March 12, 2009

Mid.Point Victory

Yesterday was an incredibly hectic day and I had little time to prepare for our Mid.Point service....

However the Lord had dropped a thought in my heart and I had a few moments to put in on paper....

The laser printer died....

I endeavored to print another way to no avail.....

I grabbed the laptop and took off for the platform and had to make two trips back to the office....

Scattered was the word.....

But as I begin the speak anointing settled and Mid.Point turned into a revival moment for Joe and within a few moments he had received the holy ghost and I believe he was delivered from many things.....

Unity prevails at CUPC right now and there is no greater revival force than everyone being in one mind and one accord.....

I appreciate every person who continues to press with us for an Apostolic dimension of HIS Spirit.....

God bless the CUPC family.....

1 comment:

Carrie said...

God bless and sensitive pastor and wife! Love you both!