Wednesday, June 6, 2012

It Ain’t What It Looks Like

The Day of Pentecost

It looked like a bunch of losers….

Saddened because the loss of their leader…..

Bunch of woe-be-gotten misfits who quit jobs to follow a homeless teacher who wound up getting killed…..

Then after his body got stolen they retreated to the upstairs room of one of their houses……

It was easily looked at as……

The Disciple’s Last Stand……

500 folks were holed up there…….

But some began to drift away until there were only about 120……

This is really sad, some would say……

That church is coming apart….


But when……

But when the day of Pentecost was fully come……..

Moving, shaking, noisy winds, flames of fire, strange languages….

Folks staggering around like a  party gone way bad…..

Then the biggest, noisiest of the woe-be-gottens stood up and spoke….

These are not drunk as ye suppose……

It Ain’t What It Looks Like…..

And my friend…..

The wheels might fall off the wagon……

The job might end…..

The debit card might beep…..

Your family might weep…..

But my friend…..

It Ain’t What It Looks Like……

Your promise is secure in Him…..

Your miracle is on the way…..

Your prayers will not bounce around answerless…..

It Ain’t What It Looks Like…..

Ignore the bad reports…..

Rebuke those that rejoice at your demise…..

Get ready for the miraculous….


It Ain’t What It Looks Like….


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you