Friday, June 29, 2012


Yesterday the Supreme Court of the United States handed down it’s decision concerning President Obama’s health care plan…..

Of course I personally was disappointed….

Most recognize the hefty economic impact it will have on every American…..

This political hot potato will be around for some time….

With all of this I have a few of simple thoughts…..

#1  God still sits upon His thrown.  He continues to be in charge of the affairs of men.  He continues to answer prayer.  In short……He is still God!!!

#2  His grace is sufficient for me.  He will help each of us navigate the uncharted path we take just as he helped the children as they “moved to Egypt”, “lived in Egypt” and as they “left Egypt”….His grace is sufficient!!!

#3   Jehovah Jireh, the Lord is our provider!  Never forget this…..

#4    Some trust in chariots and horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord.  Our salvation is not in man nor government. 
Our trust is in Him….

#5   We are but travellers and sojourners in this world.  Old song said, “this world is not my home, I’m just passing through”……

#6   He knows the way we take……we shall come forth as gold!!!

#7   His church will survive and thrive!!!

#8   Prayer changes things!!!

#9   I refuse to be distracted by the mundane…..

#10  One day soon, the trump of God shall sound, the heavens will open and we will all go to be with him in the air. I find comfort in these words…..

Therefore my reader and follower friends, please understand…..

The sky is not falling….

There is not time for Chicken Little or the chicken hearted…..

Go out there and face the world with your faith intact and your prayer life strong…..

Who knows, but your next prayer might be the one that triggers the Master to say….

Gabriel, blow your horn!!!


1 comment:

Just a thought said...

Great comments Pastor Smith.
The sky is NOT falling.
HE still is in commant.
HE still is God.