Monday, September 1, 2008

Calling All ArmChair Preachers

I have come to a conclusion of late...

There is no shortage of fields to work in....

There is no shortage of harvest....

There is no shortage of people that need help....

There is no shortage of souls...

The church today faces a shortage of laborers….

Our local United Pentecostal Churches have too many complacent professional ArmChair Preachers.....

I challenge you ArmChair Preachers to move into the harvest and find yourself more fulfilled with life than you have ever been....

There is no shortage of opportunities…

There is no shortage of preachers....

Unfortunately there is no shortage of ArmChair Preachers…

There is a shortage of preachers willing to get out of their ArmChairs and utilize the call and credentials they possess....

There is a shortage of preacher's wives willing to make the necessary sacrifices to allow their husbands to move into the harvest.....

We have way too many ArmChair preachers working career jobs rather than allowing God to use them….

I challenge you pastors to release those ArmChair Preachers into the harvest.....

The open hand can both give and receive blessings....

My friend recently took oversight of a nice group of people with a nice little building and a fair amount of income but cannot find a pastor to labor in their harvest….

He remodeled the building and prayed some folks through but still no pastor has listened to the Lord so my friend continues to pastor two churches….

Jesus told us to pray for laborers….

We have way too many ArmChair preachers who are waiting for some old guy to die off and give them a free church....

Will you be one of those professional conference attendees that get the good seats and make it to all the preacher dinners and eat the free chicken with the other preachers who actually built churches and are paying for the free chicken at the meeting?

Why do you wait to move into the harvest?

Why do you not go ahead and build a church and win some souls?

You could be the man who buys the dinners for the next generation of ArmChair preachers!!!

You could even have a clear conscience about beating up those ArmChair preachers for being scared of the harvest.....

Do not be afraid….

Allow Lord of the Harvest to be Lord of your ministry…..

He will take care of you and your family.........
I will be praying for you...

Call me and you could be called pastor by next week and leave that ArmChair behind!!!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bro. Smith,

I enjoyed your words and agree with you. Too many preachers are "waiting on God" when God has already given an exact direction!! Thanks for standing and bodly proclaiming THE message!!

Rev. Paul S. Thrasher