Thursday, September 18, 2008

Oliphant's Ignorance

This anti Pentecostal cartoon by Pat Oliphant is distasteful and I am irritated by it. I find it offensive and have mailed the following note to the editors of the Washington Post and Oliphant's syndicate company......

To Whom It May Concern,

As a pastor of a United Pentecostal Church I am offended that you would choose to allow Pat Oliphant’s cartoon past your editors. The distasteful mockery of things held dear by those who have experienced them is reproachful. This lampoon would never have passed your editor’s desk had it been themed to Islam or Jeremiah Wright. While I understand you will hide behind your First Amendment rights, I am thankful for a country that allows even the uninformed such as yourselves and Oliphant the right of free speech. Though you have the right to speak as you wish and have chosen to do so. You also have chosen to exercise your right to be ignorant.


R. Kent Smith
Pastor, Conroe United Pentecostal Church

Now comes Oliphant's followup cartoon.......

How long must we tolerate this continued assault from the left wing media on judeo christian values?

Things are now different....

Every attack on Sarah Palin simply backfires on the attackers....

I simply offer a reference to the Rev Jeremiah Wright......

The chickens below have come home to roost.....



Responses from the Post came back almost immediately.....

Dear Reader,

Pat Oliphant is a syndicated editorial cartoonist carried on news sites across the country. It is the nature of an editorial cartoonist to be provocative and offer up unique -- and often controversial -- viewpoints on the issues of the day. I have always opted for the approach that we should not limit the cartoonist's freedom of speech. We prefer to present the cartoon and allow you, the reader, to make the choice on whether to read it or not, and to express your own freedom of speech if you're bothered or offended by it.

Jim Brady
Executive Editor,

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