Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Praise in the Parking Lot

So a hurricane name Ike comes and shuts my comfortable life down.....

After a week of playing pioneer I have decided I do not like the good old days....

Rather, I like the a/c along with sewage that goes down rather than up and real water and life without generators....

But all in all I am blessed.....

I am getting some great time with my family.....

We are without power for several weeks so we have been in limbo.....

Today I watched the yard crew cleaning up the campus and cutting up the trees that fell and began to reflect......

In years gone by I would have been the yard crew fighting my way through the piles and piles of limbs and cut trees....

But God has blessed and I was able to just get the yard crew to bring some extra help and it will be done by Tuesday.....

This set my mind to remembering in the past I would just take on any obstacle and dare the devil to slow us down....

So I made my way today to Trent's house which is mine also for the next few days....

Called the family together and told them the vacation was over and it was time for this pastor and his family to go to work....

I informed them we must used the same aggression as we used in the past and work our way through the current crisis....

So Tracie, Trent, Calah, Redonia, myself and Andrew (we are not certain if Andrew is Redonia's friend or Trent's) either way he hangs around a lot.....

Anyway we loaded up about 1200 bottles of http://www.gotthirstconroe.com/ water up and took it to the deprived neighborhoods and passed it out....

We will be doing this everyday for the rest of the week and will be giving 1000 per day.......

I am one pumped pastor.....

And then while making a gas and food run to College Station tonight Tracie and I came up with the idea of having church Wednesday night in the parking lot.....

Praise in the Parking Lot.....

We will be having church in the parking lot and I am pumped......

Sunday we will have service as well with out without power and in or out of the church.....

All things work together for our good.....

And it appears that this bad storm named Ike is gonna be worked in our favor.....

This discomfort of the storm is being replaced with purpose and excitement.....

Wish you could come.....




Karen J. Hopper said...

Was reading your wife's blog this morning, and got excited for you. A Praise in the Parking Lot service sounds amazing. What vision to show the community that in despair, there can be goodness and praise. Anxious to hear the outcome - will be praying.

Tracie Smith said...

I'll be there!!!! lol