Sunday, December 21, 2008

Give Me a Living Jesus!

The phone rang and I heard the sweet voice of Sis Opal Keen crying on the line....

Brother Smith, they stole my Jesus!

Turns out that Sis Keen had a plastic nativity she had been using for years and somebody came by and stole parts of it from her yard....

The newspaper came out and she made the front page as she cried about her stolen Jesus.....

Only Sis Keen!!!!

This plastic Jesus caused me to think....

A Jesus that can be stored away in the shed for most of the year....

This Jesus who would need to be dusted off after an eleven month nap.....

This Jesus who is only needed at a convenient and fun time of the year.....

This Jesus that if stolen can be replaced down at Wal-Mart!!!

This is not the kind of Jesus that I need....


Give me a living Jesus!!!!

A Jesus that cannot be stuffed in a box....

A Jesus that cannot be stuffed in the attic or shed.....

Give me a Jesus that invades my space....

Give me a Jesus that turns dark to light.....

Give me a Jesus that expects no less than my best....

Give me a Jesus that demands that I love others.....

Give me a Jesus that still hates sin but loves the sinner....

Give me a Jesus that did not stay in the manger....

Or grave!!!

Give me a Jesus who still speaks through His Word....

And HIS man.....

Give me a Jesus that still changes lives...

Give me a Jesus that changes circumstance....

Give me that Jesus that re-creates that which is flawed.....

Give me a miracle working Jesus....

Give me a Jesus that can save my family.....

Give me a Jesus that brings joy in the midst of storm....

Give me a living Jesus!!!

While others store theirs away next week.....

Let my Jesus be a well spring of living water issuing from my inner most being....

Let my Jesus have control of my life....

My Jesus can have control of me....

Some will be content this season with a plastic or plywood or blow up Jesus....

But not me....

Give Me A Living Jesus!!!!


Anonymous said...

The Plywood Jesus

I drove by the local community Hospital the other night, and there it was – the plywood nativity scene. Every year during the holidays out comes the painted plywood wise men, a shepherd or two, a few sheep to make it authentic, Mary and Joseph, and of course the small plywood baby Jesus. Hospital staff has poked some spot lights in the ground in front of this plywood scene that lights it up quite nicely. This nativity is perched near the large pine tree strung with lights – our local Christmas tree.

Somebody had to drag out the plywood parts of the nativity – dust them off – touch up the paint – prop it up so it looks like the classic scene in Bethlehem. And of course once the Christmas season is over that same somebody has to cart it back to storage until next time.

I like it. It’s great that our community possesses and displays the Christmas spirit for all to see

The plywood Jesus is convenient – he can be easily stored for next years festivities. All you have to do is touch him up a little with a little fresh paint. The plywood Jesus really doesn’t get in the way – he stores really well – he’s flat – you can stack the whole scene in a small space in the outside shed. Another nice thing about a plywood Jesus is if the weather does any damage to him – you can cut out another one to look just like him.

Unfortunately, so many treat Jesus this way – bring him out around the holidays – he becomes the prop for materialism and self indulgence. He is hidden away from public view 11 months out of the year – so he really doesn’t take up much space in our lives. He is easily replaced if he does something you don’t like. Many see Jesus as a brand or an identity – we call our self Protestant especially on loan applications – and it differentiates us from those other barbaric religions in other parts of the world – terrorist and such.

Give me a living Jesus. Give me a Jesus that can’t be stuffed in a box – One that invades my space – One that makes me uncomfortable every now and again. Give me a Jesus that longs for my attention 365 days a year – One that demands I love everyone, including even my enemies. Give me a Jesus that no longer rest in the manger but has emerged alive from the grave. Give me a Jesus who still speaks through his Word – One whose words are made manifest in the life of his followers.

Don’t get me wrong – I like the plywood nativity, I just want to know the real Jesus!

(Come to think of it – I think they forgot the yellow plywood star that is supposed to hover over the whole scene – that would really complete the set.)

Simply a few thoughts today

By Timothy Bledsoe

Pastor R Kent Smith said...

Great stuff Elder Bledsoe.....

Karen J. Hopper said...

Great post. Give me a "Living Jesus" too.