Thursday, December 11, 2008

Three Fold Cord

A three fold cord is not quickly broken Ecc 4:12.......

Tis the case with good and evil.....

A man and his woman holding hands with their God is a cord that is not easily broken....

A church and its pastor holding hands with their God is a cord that is difficult to sever.....

But let just one of the three release their hold and difficulty arises.....

Tis the same with evil......

A three fold cord will not easily be broken.......

Adam and Eve walked daily with God and communed.....

Eve released the hand of the Lord to pick up the forbidden fruit.....

Adam also to receive the fruit from Eve.....

A three fold cord was broken......

Where are you Adam?

I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.....

Oh the tragedy of a broken cord......

The devil has used this divide and conquer tactic for a lifetime.....

Click on the chart below and see if you have ever seen this in operation......

We release the hand of God and break the heavenly cord.....

Shame overcomes us and we feel naked.....

We allow fear to take over because want no one to see our nakedness or shame or vulnerability....

So we find ourselves in damage control mode.....

We try to control and manipulate circumstances and people around us so nobody will find out our nakedness or fear.....

Hence we create an ugly three fold cord that is not easily broken.....

I have tried to help people that were bound by yesterday's shame, today's fears and a lifetime of control and manipulation.....

It is like trying to nail jello to a tree......

It is nearly impossible to understand the person....

It is virtually impossible to get truth from them.....

It is so difficult to even get the same story twice from the one bound by the devil's three fold cord.....

They are so miserable and my head spins......

Here are some things that start the vicious cycle of shame, fear and control

  • Ongoing Rejection – especially from early life
  • Scape-Goat Syndrome - always being and taking blame as a child
  • Physical Abuse – especially
  • Neglect
  • Violence
  • Shame by association
  • Sexual Abuse
  • Failed dreams and vision
  • Physical deformity
  • Teen promiscuity
  • Parental breakup

Four lifestyle behaviors that are coping mechanisms

  1. Angry (Argumentative)
  2. Condemnation & depression – cycle through low grade depression
  3. Apologetic
  4. Passivity

The person bound by the devils three fold cord mirrors the following behaviors

  • Striving and Driving (Perfectionism) -Unrealistic expectations of self and family
  • Religiosity – super spiritualism
  • Truthfulness - he has tried to control the shame and fear for so long that whatever he says is truth and his reality

Who told you that you were naked asked the Lord....

Adam did you let go of my hand and take the forbidden?

My dear blogger friend.....

If you find yourself bound by the devil's cord of shame, fear and control please today let go of the control and fear and shame and take HIS hand and allow The Lord's three fold cord be restored.....

You, your family and HIM....

You, your church and HIM.....

You, your spouse and HIM......

Whatever you do, humble yourself and take his hand.....


Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.....

SFC tendencies are pride in full bloom....

Release that pride and take HIS hand.....

Release that shame and hold HIS hand....

I am praying for you....




Anonymous said...

I so appreciate your messages. Thank you for your your directness. Thank you again, blessings.

Anonymous said...

Thank you. I can see myself in that post. Not really sure how to let go, but I am trying to learn. Thanks again for the prayer and the post.