Wednesday, January 28, 2009

When The Lights Come On.....

Tuesday morning the Lord spoke to me through a dream.....

I stepped into the church it was dark but I could see and hear things going on.....

The service continued and people kept coming in....

I couldn't see what was going on....

When I took the pulpit I knew something was going on but I could not figure out what was happening....

I could not get control of things....

I was confused and frustrated because I did not know what was going on....

Finally I got the attention of the lighting guy in the sound booth and signaled for the lights to come on....

When the lights finally came on....

The place was filled with people and people were lined out the door....

Some adjustments had been made while it was dark but church was going on.....

And when the lights came on the Lord spoke....

I woke up with the confidence that though I might not can see or understand all that is happening when the lights come on all will be well.....

1 comment:

Misti Ferguson said...

Wow! Awesome dream! We love you, Pastor, and we're believing with you!