Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Flippantly Flaunted Spiritual Liberties .....

Seems that there are those that love to hang around the edges of UPCI ministry......

They love the fellowship......

They love the conferences and brotherhood.....

And some find great joy in flippantly flaunting their spiritual liberties.....

Saying things like....

I can do this.....

I am able to participate in this certain activity.....

There is no scripture for this particular thing so I do it.....

Or my family does.......

The manual does not prohibit this so I will do it......

My membership in said organization does not say that I cannot do this.....

My brothers......

The flaunting of spiritual liberties is a reproach....

It reeks of legalism....

Legalism is the attempt to see how close to the world one can go but still be in the church.....

Spiritual liberties flaunted in the face of others is legalistic.....

More plainly it is classless.....

Ah yes...we have all seen the ultra conservatives in their moments of holier than thou ism's

They are wrong....

But just as wrong is the flippant flaunting of spiritual liberties.......

This is more legalistic than the ultra conservative’s stand on many issues.....

Whatever happened to the Pauline concept of....

If meat offend my brother then I will eat no meat?

What we see today is.....

Meat offends my brother, so I offer him cowpie.....


Anonymous said...

Awww yes the hair... It always intrigued me how the Pentecostal women will not cut their hair because the Bible says a women's hair is her glory and should be a cover for her head, the way I see it the Bible says there is no need to wear a veil, for a woman with long hair has her head covering built in, however, the Pentecostal women will roll their hair up in a little bun when at church worshiping, Isn't that like putting a tarp on a stack of wood to keep it dry and instead of "covering it" rolling the tarp up in a ball and expect the same outcome as if it were "covered"? I Believe a woman should Not cut her hair, I believe a woman should wear her hair down as a veil while she is praying/worshiping God. According to the Bible a women's hair is not to be cut, and a style Was outlined as a "Covering". Also, I can't find anywhere in the Bible where a woman can't color, or tint her hair to bring back a more youthful appearance, Like putting whiteners/bleach on teeth for a more youthful smile. You might say the Bible covers that in not being worldly, But I'm not talking outrageous green-red-purple- colors, I'm talking bringing back the natural color that too many years may have taken away. Also, If you want to talk Worldly, what is the hottest thing in this world we share today... well blogging of course!

Anonymous said...

How about the weaker brother is offended more easily at the liberites of his stronger brother. I am sorry RKS this is a bit more well rounded than you choose to discuss. I love my heritage and structure of the UPC. I am not UPC but because I am having an UPC minister speak at my church in the near future, I will shave my whiskers and my wife will not wear her jewelery. Why because of the very princples discussed in Romans 14.

Pastor R Kent Smith said...

I am dissapointed Chick that you would feel you would have to shave and take the jewels off you dear wife just to have a UPCI preacher come to your place....

Surely there are men who would not expect you to change who you are for their visit...

Were I to come to your place the last thing that would offend me is for those liberties you do....

I would know where I was coming and would expect no less...

Nor would I grow some chin whiskers just to fit in....

I would respect you and vice versa....


There are larger issues at discussion here and my comments were not directed at you or others who have chosen to leave the UPCI....

Rather they are directed at men who endeavor to change the UPCI from within rather than exhibit the charactar to leave and do what they wish....

I will be praying for your special meeting and hopefully I will get to know who Chick is....
