Friday, August 14, 2009

Biblical Black Holes

Study Finds Earliest Black Holes Born Starving
Friday, August 14, 2009
By Clara Moskowitz

The first black holes in the universe were born starving.

A new study found that the earliest black holes lacked nearby matter to gobble up, and so lay relatively stagnant in pockets of emptiness.

The finding, based on the most detailed computer simulations to date, counters earlier ideas that these first black holes accumulated mass quickly and ballooned into the supermassive black holes that lurk at the centers of many galaxies today.

"It has been speculated that these first black holes were seeds and accreted huge amounts of matter," said the study's leader Marcelo Alvarez, an astrophysicist at the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology in California. "We're just finding out that it could be much more complex than that." ................................

The above article is amazing in its complex simplicity.....

Black holes were hungry pockets of huge amounts of stagnant matter....

Scientist calculated with computer models this profound truth....

But the Word of God told us a long time ago....

And the earth was with form and void and darkness covered the face of the deep......

Somehow I have more confidence in the Word of God than the computer models.....

But I am once again rejoice that science confirms creation even though the confused scientist don't realize it yet.....

However I have one question for the good scientist....

Where did the matter come from?



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