Monday, August 30, 2010

A Joyful Pastor

I am the first to admit that life is not always perfect....

Pastoring provides many disappointments...

However amid all of those there is absolutely nothing that compares with the good things that happen in the Kingdom of God....

Take this for instance...

Last weekend we had over 400 visitors in a single service at CUPC....

This week we are counting 5 new families.....

Amid a disappointment or two....

There are so many things to be joyful about....

Joy is a choice....

And when embraced the days become so happy....

Job had it figured out...

The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh, blessed be the Name of the Lord....

Therefore today as I reflect this evening upon the events around me the last few days....

I have nothing to be sad about and so very much to rejoice in....

I have chosen joy....

And somewhere along the way....

Joy seems to have chosen me.....

Think about it....

Make the choice to rejoice in your blessings and pretty soon joy just takes over....

Sis Opal Keen will forever be an inspiration to me....

She had buried 3 husbands and her only child....

Yet she was the absolute most happy person I have ever known....

Oh, how I miss her sweet phone messages telling me what a sweet pastor I was....

I will never forget her joy for living....

So today....

This pastor chooses joy.....

Care to join me?

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