Monday, August 23, 2010

No Trash Zone

Squalllllkkkkkk sccreeeeechhhhhh......

Yeah, I'll take a tall caramel frap decaf with extra vanilla and a tall Pike Place with sweet & low and half & half.....


Don't you love those speakers?


Out comes two coffees and in goes one debit card and the transaction is complete....

But then the visit to Starbucks took on a completely different dimension...

Ma'am I asked, could I trade out my trash with you as I tried to hand her my water cup from earlier....

No sir, we are not allowed to accept trash.....

Inspiration came and I told her...

That is good, and whatever you do do not take any trash in any area of your life....

Laura stuck her whole body out of the window and said...

Yes sir that is good advice and I do not intend to....

Good Laura...

You stay in the no trash zone from here on out....

By the way I asked....

Do you mind if I use your name and this conversation on my blog....

You see I pastor a church and I write lots of little stuff....

What church?

I thought you wouldn't ask.....

Laura, go to and find the personal page for the pastor and follow the links to my blog....

Do you mind if I use your name....

Sure, if I can help somebody or be an inspiration...

So to my friend Laura....

You inspired me tonight....




Girl of Hearts said...

I started to cry from the very start and could not stop. I know I needed this today. I hope that I can keep the trash out, but more than that I hop I can be a light to other to do the same! Thank you for this Pastor! I needed this!

Gary Madden said...

Great post! Love your blog ... keep it up, God is doing GREAT things!!