Monday, May 19, 2008

Cool Refreshing Phone Call

The Treo buzzed and I saw a message from Tracie.....

I'm Impressed, it said....

She wanted me to know of a phone call of encouragement and camaraderie she had received...

I was off doing preacher stuff at a preacher's meeting.....

She was alone dealing with the current pressures of the parsonage.....

The pressure has been great upon her of late....

The annual end of the school year events....


Her personal outreach efforts....

Taking care of me.....

Then toss in Trent's wedding in a couple of weeks.....

She found herself a bit parched and thirsty for a cool drink of a friend's water....

The call impressed her and helped her tremendously....

Her impressed email helped me tremendously....

When wife is encouraged....

So is husband....

Thank you so much for the call tonight.....

You know who you are....

This prompts another thought....

How many of us in ministry find ourselves lonely and thirsty for a kind word or smile.....

An email or text message of encouragement....

A phone call saying I'm praying....

At best this work of ministry is a lonely work....

One can set in a crowd and feel all alone....

One can be surrounded by people and busy as a bug in a rug....

And still need a word of kindness.........

Preacher man....

How long since you picked up the phone and played encourager???

Preacher wifey.....

I know your busy with you house, kids, church and all the etc's......

But how long since you were just a girlfriend to another girl just like you???

Though I am connected with hundreds of ministers via the web and ministry.....

I am convicted....

And I purpose in my heart to call at least two people a day for the next couple of weeks and simply tell them I care.....

How about it preacher man and wifey....

Who are you gonna call?




Mark Pryor said...

Great post. I myself have been the recipient of many of these types of phone calls and have endeavored to give them as well. But I think you hit on a powerful point concerning the pastor's wife. Having been raised in a pastor's home, evangelized 17 years and now pastoring over 2 years I've seen a lot of things, but one thing I have never seen is an "over encouraged" pastor's wife.

Linda Elms said...

Bro. Smith, you have a beautiful, dedicated wife. I love reading about her burden for outreach, and also her love for the people of God. Bro. Pryor said something in his comment that caught my attention. "...but one thing I have never seen is an over encouraged pastor's wife". WOW! I've not thought of that through the years, but most of the time the Pastor's Wife is giving to others, like she does her children, without expecting anything back for her love and efforts. I always enjoyed hearing how much my saints loved me, but it meant so much to hear from another Pastor's Wife and for her to say, "I understand" was always very special. Thank you for your post today. It helps me to be more aware of those preacher's wives who need an extra touch of encouragement.

Anonymous said...

Bro. Smith

I really appreciate what you wrote in this blog. It really got me to thinking. I am up for the challenge!! I think I will try to call at least a few people a week and let them know that I will be praying for them. I know I really appreciate it when I get those kind of phone calls even if they are few and FAR between. I really enjoy your blog. GREAT JOB!!!