Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Music Devils

I have shared this with many ministry friends and always enjoy the chuckle shared when somebody else realizes they are not the only ones who struggle with such things. This is also posted currently on Full Proof Team Blog. Read more...

I ponder this title....

And ask myself....

What is a Music Devil?

Everybody knows that Lucifer got kicked out of Heaven and landed in the choir loft of the local United Pentecostal Church....

Or maybe in the instrument pit....

Seems like if the devil shows up anywhere it will be somewhere in the musical folks...

I call these things...

Music Devils...

However a Music Devil is not a person....

It is an attitude....

Those that are the artsy musical types many times possess a moody temperamental side that is difficult for the rest of us to deal with.

And since the musical types has talent that helps him into spiritual arenas without having to pursue the Almighty...

Or pray....

Many times their carnal side becomes prevalent....

Also, since we that are not musical are dependent upon those that are.....

Many times we find ourselves bending rules to accommodate the mood swings of the musically inclined....

We fail the musical type by giving in to their moods....

When we do so, the mood of the musical type learns that he now has power to flaunt and get its way....

So the next time the mood appears.....

It appears in the form of a Music Devil....

Another way a Music Devil manifest itself is the fits and temper tantrums it seems to enjoy having while at choir practice......

Or even in a church service when something does not go its way.....

And then whammo.....

The Music Devil appears....

Have you ever seen the faces a Music Devil can make at a sound man....

Or have you seen the hand gestures that go back and forth...

Persons who struggle with the Music Devil Syndrome are quick to pout and threaten to leave the church......

Or purposely drag in to the service late....

Many times dressed non platform compliant so as to make a statement.....

The statement is....

You can't make it without me....

But the Music Devil is so mistaken.......

There is always a replacement....

Usually much better than he himself is.....

Music Devils are in the choir.....

They show up in a soloist who doesn't want to comply with the big picture of church programming....

Music Devils show up in drummers who want to make more racket than any single church can contain....

Music Devils show up in guitarist who want the amp so loud....

And want to tune the guitar right in the middle of prayer request....

Music Devils show up in keyboardist who never are satisfied with the latest $$$$ gadget that was bought and paid for with the offerings of the pitiful masses that he must condescend to make music for.....

Music Devils show up in worship leaders who do not want to pray, but sure want a microphone....

Music Devils show up in praise teams ......

Music Devils never seem to want to do anything but be musical....

Never would one consider doing anything else in the church but music.....

Swab a toilet.....NO

Pick up a visitor.....NO

Show up at family prayer......maybe yes....maybe no.....

But throw a fit if something or someone crosses their whim in any way....YES

I've dealt with many Music Devils over the years....

Ironically, the musical person who struggles with a Music Devil is most times a most wonderful person....

He just has the glaring weakness of a Music Devil....

How many Music Devils have you seen fill out a tithe envelope?

Have you ever seen the musician who struggles with a Music Devil stroll into church late and then have the gall to meander up to the stage and assume their rightful position of power at the keyboard or organ?

The same cat has disdained to pray and now he and his Music Devil have the audicity to think that the anointing of the Holy Ghost is going to flow through them....

I don't think so.....

It ought not be done so in Israel......

Do you know anyone who struggles with a Music Devil?

Have you ever seen a Music Devil at your church?

Do you have a Music Devil?

If this makes you mad.....

I bet you do you have inside of you one of them.....

Music Devils.....