Saturday, November 15, 2008

I Watched a Miracle....

The week after hurricane Ike Pastor Greg Hord from Sanddusky Ohio emailed me and asked me to help facilitate his offering of $2k to a man or ministry in the Ike zone who had suffered....

I said yeah right and didn't pay a whole lot of attention even when Pastor Hord continued to ask me who he could help.....

Then last week I sat across the lunch table from a young man and heard the Lord tell me....

Do you remember that offering that Pastor Hord is trying to send you to give to someone?

Yes Lord.....

Get it for this young man......

Yes Lord....

So I emailed Bro Hord and he mailed me a check for $2k....

Tonight I had the joy of handing a $2k miracle check to a young man who had a tree fall in his house during the storm with no insurance....

His family has been severely misput over the last few weeks.....

The miracle was enroute for weeks before it was handed to the young man....

What a God....

What a miracle.....

I was blessed to watch it unfold and blessed even more to be the one to see the disbelief and tears and watch the young man call his wife and say....

Baby your not gonna believe this.....

After all of these years I still marvel at HOW God works and HOW He continues to remember those that feel forsaken and forgotten.....

Who could ever doubt him.....




Misti Ferguson said...

Pastor, in my opinion, there isn't a better, more deserving young man than the one you blessed...thanks for being sensitive! We love you!

Tracie Smith said...

Miracles Still Happen...