Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A New President

President Barack Obama....

America gets its new president!

I personally am very disappointed with this turn of events.....

While we do not really know who this new President is or will be.......

The United States of America is still the greatest country in the history of the world.....

I believe the Lord sets up kings and takes them down....

HE has allowed this President-elect to be.....

While I personally looked forward to a President McCain and Vice President Palin....

We trust the Lord for He is in control of all things....

He is still God no matter who is President....

He sits on the Throne regardless of who sits in the White House....

This pastor will continue to preach faith, revival and miracles....

This pastor will continue to call sin sin.....

This pastor will rejoice with the birth of new babes in Christ....

We must remember....

Though we are in this present world....

We are not of this world.....

We are but sojourners in search of a city whose builder and maker is God.....

We seek a kingdom far above this temporal world....

While presidents come and presidents go....

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever......

We must never forget that HE is forever in control....

But do not forget...

If this president leads us away from traditional judeo christian values and closer toward the endtime....

Then that is the will of God as well.....

Do not despair.....

Maybe you and I will soon pray....

Come quickly Lord Jesus!




Carrie Blair said...

I agree...We must encourage people with our faith in HIM. I am so thankful that our trust is in the Lord and not man.

KAN said...

I, too, am discouraged in the turn of events. It is definitely a time for all of us who call our selves Christians to pray like we've never prayed before -- for our leaders.

Thank you, Bro Smith for your constant reminder to your congregation that GOD IS STILL GOD, and He can STILL turn hearts to him.

While this could easily be a time for fear, there is no time for it. Time for boldness in the Lord...